
Saturday 31 December 2011

Happy New Year!

Many blessings for 2012!

Thank you for all your support in 2011.
Wishing you all a very merry New Years Eve!

Keep on keeping on!

Cat xx
"Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan, 'press on' has solved, and always will solve, the problems of the human race."Calvin Coolidge

Sunday 18 December 2011

Posters are ready for SALE!!


Every poster will come with a FREE GIFT! I like small and practical, so I have designed a small yet very practical tool to help you through each month!

Here are the details!!

A business card sized calendar for 2012. Double sided, full colour, based on ‘The Secret Feminine Energy of the Menstrual Cycle’ Poster by Cat Stone.

On one side, a mini replica of the Feminine Energy Cycle Mandala.
The card includes cycle days, phase and season reminders and a few ‘key’ words to act as a quick reminder of where you are in your cycle.

Carry in your purse or pin to a notice board, as a handy reference guide.

On the other side, a mini 2012 calendar, with marked dates of Full and New moons.
Please note these dates are approximate depending on time zones.

Mark day 1 each month with a pen to keep track of your periods.

SEE a the whole years period dates in one view. SEE how your cycle corresponds to the moon.

From me to you, with love ♥ xx

Tuesday 13 December 2011

Book List

I have compiled a list of books around the subject of the Divine feminine and the powers of the menstrual cycle.  Some of these books I have read (there are a couple of favourites!) and some are on my 'to read' list!

If you know of a great book I haven't listed, please leave me a comment!

If you're quick you might be able to stick them on your Christmas list!

Thursday 8 December 2011

Full Moon rising.

It's only a couple of days before we see another powerful Full Moon.
It's also a Lunar Eclipse, which makes for a very potent time.

Gemini Moon, Lunar Eclipse, December 10th 2011, 2.36PM.  Gemini/Saggitarius

The Mercury retrograde has caused me a few headaches, that and entering into my 'autumn', but I have managed to keep some momentum and I can feel the energies building for this Full Moon.
I have a Gemini ascendant, so am feeling quite wired.  I usually bleed a few days after Full Moon.  It's like, with the waxing energies and the culmination in the Full Moon, I find the energy to give work and life that final push, before descending into my 'winter' time with the waning moon.  This month, I really am planning on taking it easy when I hit that phase.

I'm planning on taking rest from all the frantic design work and poster prep I have been drowning in, and just... have.... some fun!  It's been a LONG time since I felt I could enjoy Yule, but this year is just SO different.  I am not scared!

A lot of things happened before mercury went retrograde, and the pause, although frustrating at times, has been a bonus.  I have had time to get things right.  To make sure, to check and re-check.

With eclipses bringing all manner of changes, opportunities, and shake-up's, and Mercury goes direct again on the 13th.. so as soon as we are done with the Full Moon and lunar eclipse, hopefully everything will start moving forward, and I have a hunch, this will be at speed.   

This is the LAST Total Lunar Eclipse we will experience for the next 3 years, so I imagine it will be, like me, giving everything a final push to get us moving into and through 2012.

I am hoping to work with these energies while I bleed....  Dive into the unknown and see what comes back with me.

2012 is a whole new year.. and it's just around the corner!

Oh yeah... and the poster?  It's now available for PRE-ORDER.  Just click the advert on the right!

The Moon is set to turn blood red during this eclipse.... very apt!